Thursday, October 31, 2019

Carsyn's 6th birthday - Rainbows and Unicorns!

Another year around the sun and our daughter is now 6!  Our quirky, sassy, lovable little lady still gives great hugs and is honing her sense of humor.  She's as active as ever; still loving soccer and has taken up jazz/hip hop dance.  Carsyn has grown 3.5 inches this year and the personality to boot.  We are so proud of you baby girl, MWAH!  🎂🎈🎉💗😘

This year Carsyn choose unicorns and rainbows as her theme.  She wanted to have it at Chuck E Cheese's, but last min were able to convince her to have a roller skating party!  I began my search on Pinterest for ideas.  Thankfully I already knew how to make a unicorn cake as it's very similar to her my little pony cake from last year.  The majority of the items I found decor and goodie bag items online form Oriental Trading Co & Amazon and the balloons came from Party City.

The evite:

A Magical Day is on the Rainbow Way

Let's Celebrate with a Skating Birthday!
Carsyn's Party is Here at Last
So Lace up Your Skates & Come Have a blast!

Snacks, drinks and cake will be served.

birthday girl

cake and cupcakes

For the Unicorn cake my daughter wanted pink cake, so we found strawberry cake mixes for the 3 layers and paired with with vanilla frosting.  The unicorn horn and eyelashes I ordered off Amazon as a kit.  For the rainbow hair I just found pre-made colored frosting in baggies and used that to pipe onto the top of the cake.  Voilà!  For the cupcakes we used vanilla cake mix with vanilla frosting.  I bought unicorn & rainbow cupcake rings off Amazon and rainbow gummy strips from the grocery store.  This was probably the easiest I've had it when making my kids birthday cakes!  The birthday girl LOVED it.  🦄 🌈

goodie bags

good bag contents

The goodie bags contained rainbow/unicorn tattoos, unicorn poop (jelly beans) and a vinyl unicorn character toy.  Plus with the cupcake ring they had a nice assortment of favors.

Since the party was from 1-3pm, we only provided snacks, drinks and cake.  The snacks consisted of rainbow gold fish, assortment of individual bags of chips and fruit snacks.

I even made sure the birthday girl was decked out with a rainbow skating unicorn shirt (Amazon), unicorn rainbow head band (which I found at Good Will, brand new for Halloween), and rainbow colored hair braid extensions attached to a hair-tie (CVS endcap find).  It was magical how it all came together!

This year Carsyn couldn't wait to open her gifts at home, so we opened them at the venue and followed that up with a little more roller skating.  Carsyn had a blast with her friends and was thrilled with all her presents.  We truly appreciate all our friends and family that were able to join us and celebrate Carsyn's 6th birthday! 

  • Pinterest ideas - links to everything below in this album
  • Oriental Trading Co - plates, napkins, goodie bag items
  • Amazon - Unicorn cake set, birthday girl t-shirt, unicorn tattoos
  • Party City - balloons
  • HEB - cake mixes and frosting, #6 candle
  • GoodWill - rainbow unicorn headband (brand new of course), they were fully stocked for Halloween which is where I found it.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Carsyn updates

I'm way behind on blogging.  In fact now I really only have time to write about milestones and big updates like birthdays, etc.  Life is just flying by so quickly!

Carsyn has had a couple of 1st this year!!

She lost her very first tooth in July at 5.5 years old!!  She was SUPER excited to finally receive some money from the tooth fairy.

Then in August, right before school was to start, she finally asked to learn how to ride her bike.  We'd been trying to get her to try it ALL summer and she refused.   She asked for some knee and elbow pads and was ready to tackle the bike.  Once Malek started working with her, she had it down by her 3rd or 4th day of practicing.  Now we need to upgrade her to a bigger bike!  Guess it's a good thing her birthday is in Oct, now we know what to get her.  :)  Though that would make for a good Christmas gift as well....

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ry's 8th Birthday - Pokémon!

My little boy is not so little anymore!  Hard to believe he turns 8 in just a couple more days!!!  To date he's lost 6 teeth (oh my!), is in the 2nd grade making As & Bs and loves playing sports (except for baseball).  Ryland is funny, sweet, quick, smart, bright-eyed and full of smiles!  He will still cuddle but has nixed giving kisses.  😘  He likes to tease and loves to read his Dogman and Captain Underpants books.  If he's not playing sports (mostly football and soccer) then he's hanging with friends and setting up as many sleepovers as he can.  He even tried his had at mutton bustin this year at the ATX rodeo and LOVED it.  Too bad we were only able to fit it in once as he has now hit the weight and age limit for the sheep.  🐑  We are so proud of our sweet, sensitive little man.  LOVE YOU!  🎂🎈🎉💗


This year we celebrated Ry's birthday at Altitude Trampoline park.  This place was awesome!  The facility had tons of foam pits, climbing walls, obstacle courses, jousting balance beam, a dodge ball arena and so much more!  Plus they serve Double Daves pizza which we LOVE.  They handled all the setup and provided plates/napkins/utensils and a hostess.  All we had to bring in were the party favors and the cake!

Happy Birthday Ryland

Every birthday I make their cakes and cupcakes based on a theme they pick.  This year Ryland really wanted Dogman or Captain Underpants for his cake...I just couldn't bring myself to making an underwear cake, thankfully when I mentioned his love for Pikachu he quickly changed his mind and wanted Pokémon!  Now that I could do!  I began my search on pinterest for ideas.  We settled on a pikachu double layer round cake and pokeball cupcakes!  Easy peasy.  I used oreos for pikachu's eyes and yellow poster board for the ears.  The small white dots on the cupcakes are upside down candy eyeballs, the red half of the cupcakes are sugar crystals.  I was ecstatic with how the cake turned out.  All the kids at the jump place would excitedly run up to look at the cake, it was a hit!

Pikachu cake and pokeball cupcakes

For 2 hours the kids had a blast and wore themselves out!  We had a break in the middle to eat pizza and cake, then the kids were back at it again with their renewed energy sugar high!

obstacle course

jump time

climb time

FOOD nom nom nom

blow out the candles

happy birthday boy

For the party favors I put together little bags with a Pokémon plush backpack clip, pokemon ring and some chocolates.


We waited until we arrived at home to open all the presents.  🎁  Ry received some awesome gifts and started playing with them immediately.  The big winner was the Fortnite nurf gun and RadRobot.  We will give him our gifts on his actual birthday in a couple days, we had to have his party early to avoid Easter weekend.  I think he will love the giant nurf gun and new helmet and goggles for his dirt bike.

the loot

A big thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated Ryland's 8th birthday with us❣ 💗

My pinterest site contains links to all the party items:

  • Party City - Pokemon balloons and balloon weight
  • - pokemon plush clips, pokemon cupcake ring toppers, presents
  • HEB - cake supplies, yellow frosting, yellow poster board, cupcake liners, cake mixes