7 months young - 11/18/2011 |
It's crazy how fast the year has gone by. November is almost over and Ryland is now 7 months young! Much has happened since our last monthly update. As you can see by the many mini posts and pictures, Ry has been busy. He now weighs 18lbs, cut two teeth by the end of October and is working on a third one that looks like the tip of a canine peaking through his upper gums.
Excited! |
Happy and giggly |
Pensive |
Surprised |
Grrrr baby - 11/18/2011 |
Ryland's personality is really showing through, I just love all his expressions. He now has this grrrr face where he bares his teeth and squinches up his nose and eyes when he smiles. It's super cute and I managed to capture it above. And as you can see he's up on all fours and rocking. He's managed to move his hand forward one or two steps, but he hasn't quite learned to move his knees as well. It's only a matter of time and we'll have a crawler on our hands!
Standing in my crib - 11/6/2011 |
Ryland mastered sitting up by the time he was 6 months old. Now he's onto pulling up! We were upstairs going through Ry's clothing when I heard my husband say OMG. I turned around to find our munchkin standing in his crib! This was the first time we'd caught him pulling up. We sat him back down in the crib and watched to our amazement as he maneuvered himself over to the rails, grabbed a hold and hauled himself up. It was definitely time to lower the mattress. He now tries to pull up on anything and everything. Josie plopped down beside Ry and he pulled up on her, and just today he inch wormed his way over to me and pulled himself up on my leg!
Flying Monkey 10/22/2011 |
Halloween is quite the experience over at our house! If you saw some of the previous posts then you know we go all out with decor and our annual
Spooktacular party (<-- click link for pictures). I was super excited to dress up Ry in costume and show him off. We decided to go with the Wizard of Oz theme and bought his costume a week before work announced that our org was to transform into characters from the Wizard of Oz and each team/row was to represent a scene from the movie. Was that a spooky coincidence or what!? :) Ry was a pro, he was great the entire time and really hit it off with my colleagues.
Boo! 10/26/2011 |
Sweet potatoes! 10/23/2011 |
Our guy has turned into quite the eater. It took him a couple weeks before he realized he liked this new food from a jar. Now he eats everything, including peas! For breakfast he has rice cereal and a bottle, then his next meal is usually a fruit jar followed by another bottle, then in the afternoon he has a veggie and a bottle, and before bed we give him more rice cereal and a bottle. This little guy can eat! We just finished up the stage 1 jars and are now beginning stage 2.
Its a good thing we upped his solid food intake. A couple weeks ago Ry kept waking up in the middle of the night hungry. This was very unusual as he'd been sleeping through the night for months. I hadn't been reading my baby book the past few weeks so I got it back out and caught up to his current week. That's when I realized we hadn't been feeding him enough! Since remedying that he's gotten back to his 8pm-6am sleep routine.
Chillin' on the way to Wurstfest - 11/5/2011 |
Ryland is a very energetic baby. He loves his jumper and walker and is quite the little socialite. We've taken him to several UT tailgates and he joined in on our celebration of sausage at Wurstfest. He's just too cool in those glasses. He loves watching everything going on around him and doesn't want to miss anything. He's quite the charmer and has admirers everywhere we go. Just look at that face!
Conflicted? 11/19/2011 |