11 Months Young - 3/18/2012 |
Holy moly we're at 11 months already! I can't believe our little man will be 1 year old in just 1 month. I'm already deep into planning mode for his birthday party. Ry has gone through quite a few changes this past month, and experienced a lot of firsts. He now weighs 20 lbs 5 oz and we finally moved him into his big kid car seat. We probably should have done that a while ago (like at 9 months) but we were lazy.
Stop! I'll protect you my spotted friend |
Crying to commence in 3, 2, 1.... |
As for the biggest announcement...drum roll...Ry took his first solo steps at 10.8 months/47 weeks old!! His balance improves every day and he's becoming more and more confident with walking, he's now up to 6-7 steps at a time. He's so active that we're constantly having to chase him down. Ry loves to practice walking back and forth between mommy and daddy, and he walks between the furniture with ease. His preferred mode of transportation is still crawling, or being carried of course. He's figured out that if he holds his arms up, looks up at us and gives a little chirp that we'll pick him up. The little stinker!
Video of Ry taking his first solo steps - 3/13/2012
Ry still has 6 teeth, 4 top, 2 bottom. He hasn't cut anymore teeth since Christmas time. However we did notice some swelling on his bottom gums and we think some more teeth will pop up soon.
We are down to about 3 bottles a day. We dropped his morning bottle a couple weeks ago. Now he receives 2 bottles at daycare and then one right before bed. He's also down to 1 nap a day at daycare, although he'll take 2 naps a day on the weekends with us. His nighttime schedule has been fairly consistent for a couple months now, going down around 7:30pm and waking up around 6:30am.
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Chillin after church 2/26/2012 |
Ry's becoming more defiant and demanding. If we try to move him away from something he wants, he arches his back and voices his displeasure. If he wants our food and we haven't fed him fast enough, he'll grunt or give a short, loud shout as if he were saying 'pay attention to me, feed me'! He LOVES being outside and generally isn't too thrilled when we bring him back inside. Luckily he gets over it quickly. ;) He really only fusses when he's hungry or tired, pretty typical.
Ry still loves taking showers but has finally accepted taking baths. He discovered that he enjoys splashing and kicking in the water while chewing on his water toys. The faucet however scares him, as long as you're holding him while filling up the tub he's fine. If you try to put him in the bathtub and then turn on the water he gets scared (I think from the noise) and tries to crawl his way out of the tub and up your body. Gotta watch out for those sharp finger nails!
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rub a dub dub 2/26/2012 |
Video of Ry's 1st haircut 3/4/2012
For spring break we decided to take the kids, dogs and grandparents to Pace Bend for a weekend of camping. This was Ry's very 1st camping trip! Opa and Juju went out the day before us to reserve a spot at the improved campsites. Their site was huge so we were able to set up right next to them. The area was beautiful! We were about a 5min walk away from Lake Travis, and we had enough tree coverage around us that it blocked the strong winds. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We feasted on s'mores, dutch oven cooking and more s'mores! :) Ry discovered his love of cottage cheese while camping and thoroughly enjoyed the dutch oven cooking, especially the lasagna.
kisses! 3/16/2012 |
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on a walk 3/17/2012 |
Stay back dad, that's my cottage cheese! 3/17/2012 |
brothers 3/17/2012 |
Enjoying a bagel in his very own camping chair 3/18/2012 |
Baby's best friend 3/18/2012 |
Our little guy is growing up so fast! He's full of spunk and personality and intelligence. This next month is going to fly by and then we'll have a toddler on our hands!
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