The time had finally arrived! On Sunday we made sure we had everything ready to go for the hospital. That evening we took Ry over to Opa & Juju's to spend the night and have dinner. My mom made me liver and onions (high in iron) since I've had to take iron supplements. It was interesting. She also prepared spätzle and meatballs for those not tempted to try the liver. :) By 8pm we gave Ry a kiss goodnight and headed back home. I think we finally went to sleep around 10:30pm, but I kept waking up throughout the night. Finally by 5am I went to the living room so that I wouldn't disturb Malek and watched some TV as I waited for our 7am departure time.
We arrived at the hospital just past 7:30am, there was a bit more traffic than we anticipated. However they checked us in very quickly (pre-registration rocks) and took us straight back to the pre-op room. I didn't realize we wouldn't be going to the über nice delivery rooms. The nurses had me change into a gown, took vitals, set up my IV (the nurse in training missed the vein the first time, OUCH!), placed monitors on my belly to hear baby and gave me some horrible nasty tasting meds that apparently reduce nausea. It tasted like sour candy gone wrong. Then we waited. This part felt like it took forever! I was supposed to be wheeled back by 9:30am but they had an emergency c-section come in right before me. While I was in pre-op Nana, Opa & Juju came back to say hi and wish me luck.

Finally around 10am they took us back. They had Malek wait for me outside the OR until they had me all set up. They gave me a spinal (not an epidural), the shot really burns and stings despite the numbing agent, luckily it passed quickly. It was crazy how fast my lower body went numb. One minute I could wiggle my toes, the next I couldn't. I felt like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill "wiggle your big toe!". Soon Malek was by my side and the doctors began. Since I couldn't move my arms during surgery, my poor hands went crazy numb and started to swell and turned deep red. Unfortunately there was nothing I could do about it until I was back in recovery and could re-position my hands to relieve the pressure. The doctors took their time. Heck even Malek was sitting there all at ease. This was very different from my first c-section with Ry, which seemed to go much faster, probably because they weren't sure what was going on me then. Apparently baby girl didn't want to come out, they really had to do some pushing and ended up applying suction to her head to pop her out. She was face-up (posterior position) just like Ry. I also found out later that they had to cut some of my ab muscles as they were too thick for them to get through. And then she was here! Carsyn was born at 10:12 am, weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20 inches long. She also had dark eyes and some brown hair, not quite as much hair as Ry did when he was born, and some of her hair in front looked blonde!

Daddy went with Carsyn to the nursery while the doctors finished up with me and moved me to recovery. They brought Carsyn to me very quickly and I was able to hold my sweet baby girl for the first time. Juju and Malek also came in to check on me. I was in recovery for 2 hours before they discharged me to my post-delivery room around 1pm.
Family came by the rest of the afternoon/evening to meet our newest addition to the family. She's super sweet and Ryland couldn't wait to meet her! Right away he wanted to hold her and give her kisses. Carsyn also had a gift for her big brother, a tool belt with tools. However I think Ry was more delighted with Carsyn. :) The second day she had even more visitors from friends.
Malek clan |
Juju & Opa |
Aunt Emily and Uncle Kamran |
Aunt Bea |
Uncle D |
Isabel and Baba |
Nana |
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