Carsyn's first birthday party was this past Sunday (10/26) as well as her 1 year photo shoot and cake smash! This made for a very busy day, not to mention a packed weekend preparing for her ladybug themed party! I actually put together her invitation (below) almost a year ago. Yeah I know, started planning REALLY early! I didn't research ideas for the rest of her party until about 2 months before her birthday (a little more reasonable). I Googled tons of ideas and saved it to pinterest. I decided to skip the arts n crafts this year and went for a smaller low key party which was much more relaxing for everyone, especially the birthday girl. I was thrilled with how everything turned out, especially the smash cake. ;)
Welcome to Carsyn's Ladybug Garden!!
Polka dots and little black spots
That's what ladybugs are made of.
Buzz on over, fly this way,
let's celebrate our little lady's special day!
She's cute & sweet & so much fun...
Our little ladybug Carsyn is turning ONE!
We hope to spot you there!
Cake and light refreshments will be served.
As our guests entered they were greeted with the favor table. Each gift bag contained a window walking ladybug, ladybug stickers and tattoos and a ladybug eraser. As you walked into the living room there were balloons on the floor for the kids to play with, another table with party hats and one with the coloring pages. The antenna's were left over from Ryland's 1st birthday and fit with the ladybug theme! On one wall was Carsyn's ladybug collage which displayed her monthly pictures. The fireplace was a homage to her professional pictures (NB/3/6/9m, 12m was taken that morning).
blowouts and giftbags |
goodie bag items - my fav was the window walker ladybug ;) |
found the coloring sheets online |
Ladybug collage, made with construction paper. Got the idea from her daycare and copied it from memory. |
As you worked your way into the kitchen you came upon the cakes and food. My favorite was the ladybug smash cake. I researched online many different ways on how to make one and finally settled on my own version, which turned out cute as a button! I based all the food on red/black/white colors and anything that could look like a ladybug. We also hung black and red pom poms from the ceiling in the breakfast nook.
1st birthday cake - adorbs! |
pom poms from Party City |
light snacks - strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, twizzlers, grapes, ladybug creamcheese crackers, crackers and dip, babybel ladybugs |
ladybug juice - fruit punch/sprite |
I found Carsyn's shirt on esty and the skirt underneath was actually a ladybug costume. The bow I found at Walmart and her shoes are from Target. Too cute once all put together!
Birthday girl! |
mommy and me |
The timing couldn't have been better for her party. Thankfully she napped for an hour before guests arrived (probably worn out from her 1 yr photos at 9am that morning). For the most part Car-Car was a happy camper and only cried once or twice. She loved her cake, especially the oreo eyes. I think we had roughly 13 adults and 13 kids attend the party.
Ry - little/big brother ;) |
Opa and Juju |
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to... |
jump jump jump |
coloring is always a hit |
daddy and me |
Here comes the cake! |
Happy Birthday to you...don't touch the flame! |
We opened gifts at the very end and all the kids 'helped' Carsy open them. She receiving tons of clothes and some cool toys. I think her favorite was the grocery cart.
A big Thank You to everyone who came over to celebrate Carsyn's birthday with us!
Window walker ladybugs and stickers - Michael's
Ladybug plates/napkins/cupcake liners, erasers, tattoos, ladybug party hats and blowouts -
Hobby Lobby
1st Birthday Ladybug Party cups/plates/napkins/utensils/table runners/banner/pom poms/table decor -
Party City (stuff sold online, luckily someone has just returned their extras to the store and I quickly snatched them up!)
#1 red glitter candle - Walmart
Coloring pages - online