Hard to believe my babygirl is a toddler! Carsyn weighs about ~21 lbs despite all the food she consumes. This girl can really chow down! She's been known to stand in front of the fridge or pantry door crying until someone gives her something to eat. She'll even try to climb into her high chair when she wants more food. She can also feed herself and is actually quite good at using a fork. Car-Car still only has her 2 bottom teeth, HOWEVER you can see 4 white bumps along her top gum line, her 4 front main teeth (central and lateral incisors) are trying to push through! She should definitely (fingers x'd) have these teeth in by Christmas. :)
Feed me! 11/12/2014 |
11/22/2014 |
11/22/2014 |
Carsyn has finally adjusted to the time change, AND IT IS WONDERFUL! She goes down between 8-8:30 pm and has been sleeping until 7 am, sometimes even later! I love feeling like we are sleeping in. ;) Even Ryland has joined the program and is sleeping later, sometimes until 8am! I wish bath time was as enjoyable. Right now Carsy is none too thrilled to be in the tub, she does much better if we take her in the shower with us.
The day after Halloween we went to a free 5K race at the Dell Diamond. We ended up skipping the run and just did a short trot across the finish line into the stadium for all the free fun. The kids loved it! There was tons of food and games and live music. Ry really liked the giant moon pie character and kept dragging Carsyn over to say hi.
Corner Store Country 5K 11/1/2014 |
Country store 5K 11/1/2014
Our kids love the outdoors. Lately we've been hitting up the parks in the neighborhood. Ry will ride his motorcycle and Carsy jams in her stroller. They especially like to swing, see daddy and Ry doing the spider below!!! And Car-Car has discovered slides. She has no problem climbing up the steps to the top of the slide, then it's up to her to decide if she goes down feet or hands first. She usually chooses to go down on her tummy, hands first. This girl is quite athletic and an explorer. She loves to go up and down the stairs, and has even started going out the doggie door! She's constantly pointing to the window to go outside and loves to take walks. She's super quick too, if we leave a ladder out, the next thing we know she's on the top rung! The same thing goes for chairs. She'll climb right up, stand up while holding the back of the chair, and shake it back and forth as if she were trying to move it. Talk about a dare devil!! She's even been known to crawl onto table tops. Our little table dancer. ;)
Swinging with daddy 11/9 |
Weeeeeee! 11/26 |
Climbing on tables and everything! 11/22 |
Carsyn is such a doll! I mean she really looks like a little porcelain doll to me. Look how cute she is in her pink and black polka dotted hat with her pink and black fancy coat. She just steals my heart. Carsyn has such a sweet disposition. She loves to cuddle and is so gentle. She has the most infectious 'dolphin' laugh and her eyes light up when she smiles.
I melt! <3 11/13 |
The holidays are coming and going so fast! It feels like Halloween was only a few days ago, and now we're already past Thanksgiving! The kids had a blast at Aunt B and Uncle D's house for Thanksgiving. I think Carsy really liked all the different foods, and of course she fed herself for the entire meal, sitting at a table in a kids chair all by herself! She's growing up so fast.
Thanksgiving noms 11/27 |
My hubby snagged this photo yesterday while putting up our Christmas tree. He just couldn't stop laughing! Poor thing, I think she's upset there are no gifts under the tree!
Doby? - 11/29 |
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