Carsyn is such a crazy, lovable little girl. She's super bright, energetic, inquisitive, a cuddler and a giggle monster. Not to mention this girl can EAT! Ry at this age was an eater as well, and right now Car-Car out eats her 4 year old brother! When she sees something she wants she'll point to it and then sign 'please', unfortunately she wants EVERYTHING, especially if Ry has something then she wants it as well. Oh, and these kids go crazy for mommy's cappuccinos in the morning, Carsy loves the foam and Ry will get a spoon and try to slurp it up. I have to trick them with their own 'coffee' which is really chocolate milk.
I love this outfit on her. 3/14/2015 |
Carsyn loves the outdoors and the park and riding her in red wagon. We can't keep her away from the slides and swings. This girl has no fear; for example she'll pretend she's going to walk off the side of the playscape and scare mommy and daddy, then pull back laughing at us. Such a risk taker! She tries to do everything that her big brother can do. I can't wait to break out our inflatable water table, she absolutely loves playing in the water and the shower...but she abhors bathtubs. Go figure.
She loves to swing 3/15/2015 |
And loves to slide 3/17/2015 |
Happy St Patty's day 2015! |
shenanigans |
Carsyn still isn't saying too much, however she's got 'mama' down! She's so hilarious when you ask her to do stuff. She knows where to point for her hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth and belly button. She can even wink when you ask, it's the funniest thing in the world as she scrunches up her face. And this girl really likes her shoes. She will even go and pick out the ones she wants to wear for the day, currently her favorites are her pink tennis shoes. My personal favorite are her pink sandals.
My munchkins are so photogenic, I just love taking pictures of them. Below they were heading off to daycare and I just had to snap a picture of Carsyn in her Hello Kitty jacket. Ry couldn't be outdone or left out and requested a picture as well. Love that boy and his smile!
Ready for daycare 3/27/2015 |
Just adorable! 3/27 |
Easter is right around the corner. Our HOA put on an egg hunt the weekend before Easter. Ry had a blast hunting for eggs and playing in the bounce house. Poor Carsy missed the egg hunt as she was napping, but she still got in her popsicle and playscape time. She'll still get her egg hunting in Easter morning, we'll make sure the Easter Bunny hides some for her to find.
That tongue! HOA Easter Egg hunt 3/28/2015 |
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