Only 1 more month to go and Carsyn will be 2 years young! Every time we go to day care the front office ladies stop us and proclaim "we can't believe how big she's getting, she's so grown up!" Even her teachers have said she seems older and more independent. She now weighs about 27 lbs, has BLONDE hair that's long enough to pull back into a ponytail or pigtails and sleeps in her own big girl bed. Carsyn finally enjoys taking baths and she and Ry will play together quite nicely in the tub. She also gives the best hugs and kisses. In the pics below she's wearing our traditional German picture outfit, a dirndl. It fits, so it's time to schedule those pictures!
my fierce face 9/16/2015 |
cheese |
Some of Carsyn's favorite things are: birds, swinging, Disney movies (Aladdin, Tangled, Tarzan, Wreck-It-Ralph, Beauty & the Beast), cheese, fruit, her baby doll and playing in the water. She also loves to try and play games on our phone or the tablet, though that doesn't usually end well as she's still a bit too young to fully understand them. Ry and Carsy do play with each other and Carsy always wants to copy her big brother. It's so much fun to watch, but they also have their bad days where they steal each others toys, use that horrible word "mine" and cry...oh the crying! It's especially draining when they both must have mommy at the same time. It's good to be loved :)
climbing after big brother 9/19/2015 |
Carsyn is an excellent eater. She has her favorites and is also very willing to try new things; mac n cheese, chicken pot pie, lollipops, Popsicles, lasagna, eggs and sausage links, cereal...pretty much any breakfast food. Carsy has a mouth full of teeth and puts them to good use, we are foodies! The kids also love to eat raw cookie dough and brownie mix (they get this from me).
we love brownie mix 9/6/2015 |
I found a great deal on Groupon for the Austin Aquarium, so one weekend we headed on over for some fishy fun. They added a lot more stuff since the last time we were there (a year ago). The kids loved feeding the stingrays and petting the iguana. The place even had a playscape in the back that they spent a good 20 mins climbing on. There were also birds, snakes and plenty of other attractions that are great for 2-6 yr olds.
feeding stingrays 9/19/2015 |
September is also grandparents month, the kids were able to enjoy some quality time with Nana, Opa, Juju and Baba. It's so nice to have family close by.
Nana time 9/25/2015 |
grandparents brunch at KRK 9/14 |
Baba with all the grandkids (except Evan who's at college) |
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