Growing leaps and bounds! We really noticed that Carsyn has been talking a lot more this past month. She's stringing together 3-4 words now. The other day she said "Ry-Ry where are you?". Some of her favorite words are 'paci', 'cereal' and of course 'mama'. Her favorite movie is Wreck-It-Ralph and it must be watched at least 2x's a day on weekends, and every night during the week. She loves her big brother Ry and must copy him in all things; such as climbing walls & fences, eating the same snacks and playing with dinosaurs. I love that she's such a tom boy. :) This girl's got spunk, character, smarts and will bust a move to music at any time. My tiny dancer.
Hook em - ready for football! 8/13/2015 |
stacking extraordinaire 8/4/2015 |
earning her keep 8/26/2015 |
At the beginning of August we took the kids on their first airplane ride to Cincinnati to visit my brother's family (Uncle Steve & Aunt Lil C, Mason & Harper) and meet the newest addition to their family, baby Harper. The kids had a blast and flying didn't phase them one bit. It was great to visit with family and check out the local zoo and aquarium!
Visiting family in Ohio 8/7/2015 |
extended family! 8/8/2015 |
all the littles - cousins/2nd cousins |
monkeying around at the zoo 8/7/2015 |
at the aquarium |
under water tunnel |
This month we upgraded Carsyn's room from a crib to a full sized bed! It took a couple nights for her to adjust and sleep through the night in her new bed, but it was totally worth it to be done with that crib. It still takes a while to put her down because she wants you to lay there with her until she falls asleep, which sometimes takes a good hour! Poor daddy gets stuck with this routine the majority of the time as Ry-Ry now wants mommy to take him to bed. All in all a successful transition. Next up is potty training, we still haven't mustered up the energy to tackle that new adventure.
new bed for the little lady 8/25/2015 |
Lots of changes for the little lady (and family) this month. The last of Carsy's teeth finally broke through, all 4 canines at once! That made for a rough couple of nights and lots of Tylenol. Then we took a trip to San Marcos to visit Bro-Bro's new college apartment and stock up his fridge. The littles got a nice taste of college life. And finally Ry-Ry started pre-K in a new school, so Carsy is on her own now at daycare and at Opa & Juju's. They are growing up way too fast!
They are like an old married their rockers with their blankets at Opa & Juju's 8/11/2015 |
sleepy girl 8/22 |
Visiting bro bro's apartment at college 8/22/2015 |
college beanbag chair...big enough for 2 littles! |
Towards the end of the month we bought the kids a new toy, a bike trailer! I've been wanting a bike trailer for a while now to cart the kids around, I can also use it to take Ry to pre-K as its only 1 mile away from our house. The kids LOVE it, especially when mommy goes fast. They rode in it all weekend long, mommy took them out in the morning and we hit up all the parks in the neighborhood. Tons of fun for the kids, lots of exercise for mommy.
2 peas in a pod, Wheeeee! 8/29/2015 |
Carsy & Ry, must climb all the things together 8/30/2015 |
tunnel adventures 8/30/2015 |
Next up is planning Carsy's bday. I've already confirmed the location, found her birthday present and sent out invites. Now I just need to figure out her cake!
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