2 Months Young - 12/28/2013 |
Carsyn turned two months young on 12/28 and had a great checkup. She measured 21.75" (16%), weighed 10 lbs 1 oz (17%) and her head circumference was 39.2 cm (74%). How in the world I managed to make such a petite baby I'll never fathom, she's much smaller than Ryland was at this time, although their head circumference is almost the same (Ry was 40 cm). Carsy did receive shots this time around, 3 shots total and 1 oral, and she only cried for a short amount of time. Thank goodness as it's hard for me to see my baby so upset. The Dr is very happy with her progress. She's very alert, has started smiling and loves to talk to us (cooing, squeals, etc).
sleeping on mommy 12/8/2013 |
love my bumbo 12/17/2013 |
Carsyn definitely prefers to be in an upright position. We've tried her out several times in her bumbo and jumper, which she'll tolerate for 30 mins max. What she really wants is for you to hold her up, but that gets very tiring very quickly. Tummy time is still a challenge, she doesn't last more than 5 mins before crying...or she falls asleep. ;) Carsy is a fairly decent sleeper at night, usually waking up only once around 3 am to feed, but there have been a few nights where she's had one of us up every 2 hours and she'll only fall asleep if you're holding her. :SIGH: Lately after her 3 am feeding I've been using the swing to help lull her back to sleep.
tummy time fail = sleeping 12/18/2013 |
Carsyn loves the shower! I think she finds the warm water soothing on her back, she never fusses when she's in the shower with mommy or daddy. She's still eating about 4.5 ounces at a time. We've tried bumping her up but she wont do it. In the evenings she's a bit more ravenous and requires another 2 oz a couple hours after a feeding. She's such a cutie after eating; smiling, cooing and
All Mommy wants is a silent night 12/13/2013 |
This was Carsyn's 1st Christmas and she had the honor of sitting on Santa's lap at two different events. She did great, of course she has no clue who Santa is, we still have yet to get Ry to sit in Santa's lap without freaking out. We also took the kids to the Trail of Lights and Round Rock Rock'N Lights, ToL was great but we'll definitely wait to go back until the kids are much older (in 5 more years). Carsyn enjoyed dressing up for all the holiday parties, Christmas eve church service and family gatherings. I especially loved her red flower hat, very festive. :)
Santa at the Oasis 12/1/2013 |
worn out at the HOA party 12/14/2013 |
Santa and family 12/14/2013 |
Trail of Lights 12/18/2013 |
Christmas morning |
opening gifts |
awesome owl mat |
Christmas at Opa & Juju's |
Nana |
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