How I Look - Same as last weight change. I do have a small bump...some days it feels HUGE though.
How I Feel - Great! Some of my pants feel a bit snug around the waistline...I tried on some maternity pants and they are oh so comfy, but still a bit big. So I'm still wearing my regular jeans and low waisted pants. Symptoms - I can breathe!! The humidifier I borrowed from my brother-in-law is working wonders. I can finally breathe through my nose while sleeping. :D Cravings - Oreos! I had bought some Halloween ones (with orange centers) a couple weeks ago and finally broke into them this past week with a big glass of milk. I pretty much ate half of the box, Malek finished off the rest. And I'm still wanting more! Exercise - I managed to run twice this past week, and hit the elliptical once. This past Sunday was the Race for the Cure and I ran an average pace of 9:16!! Not bad for being 17 weeks pregnant at the time. :) What I'm Looking Forward To - Still waiting to feel the baby move/kick. I thought maybe I felt something this past week...but chalked it up to digestion or gas. :^P
Odds and Ends - This week the baby's hair and reproductive organs are forming! Soon we will know if we are having a little prince or princess. And last night I dreamt about baby names. I kept hoping my mind would come up with a name we hadn't yet thought of...but I don't remember any new ones. Oh well...and yes, I dreamt about both girl and boy names. :D  |
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