So far I have felt great during my pregnancy, with the exception of week 7 (granted I'm only on week 8 at the moment). The first 6 weeks went by no problem. I didn't notice any aches or pains or nausea...until week 7. That's when I started feeling icky, like I had the beginnings of a cold or flu. My skin would sometimes be very sensitive to the touch and my stomach just felt off and I wasn't hungry. Actually the thought of eating wasn't even appealing (gasp!). I never threw up, and still haven't (knock on wood), I just didn't feel like myself. One day after work I decided to take a nap to fight off the ickiness, figuring an hour of rest would be refreshing right? My mistake, napping that late just made me feel 100x's worse! I felt like I was hung over and completely out of it and again I didn't feel like eating. I finally realized that delaying my food intake even by 30 mins contributed to the overall nasty feeling. I've learned that I need to eat breakfast by 8am and have snacks around 10am and 3pm to maintain my chipper self, essentially eating every 2-3 hrs. ;-) I also now save my naps for the weekend when I can sleep for 2 hours at a time, usually between 1-3pm. I'm back to feeling like myself - my pregnant self that is!
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