Well, I thoroughly freaked myself out the other day. The hubby and I were discussing our babymoon (pre-birth getaway) last night when we realized we didn't have very many 'free' weekends left. I started making a list of all the events we have planned and discovered from here on out we have only 3 free weekends remaining!!! Almost every weekend is booked with something: childbirth classes, birthdays, baby showers, maternity pictures, our babymoon/anniversary getaway, a wedding....oh my! Plus there is still our to-do list before baby arrives: book hospital tour, confirm pediatrician, confirm time off from work (FMLA?), wash all the baby clothes/bedding, day care registration, buy diapers, set up car seat, etc. Wowza! I had a little itzy bitzy panic attack and went into over drive. Malek found this quite humorous and laughed at me until we went to bed.
I am feeling better today. Deep breaths and chocolate cake have calmed me down. I know plenty of other mothers have gone through this before me and everything turned out just fine. I have 87 days left to prepare before our bundle of joy arrives. It's both exciting and scary!
Chocolaty goodness at work! 1/18/2011 |
While writing this blog I did a search and ran across one mothers check list...here are some of the things on her list that I had forgotten about! I'm sure there are quite a few things I'm still missing....
- give a house key to a friend to take care of our dogs (?) or find person willing to watch them for a night or two
- thank you notes for the baby shower
- pack a bag for the hospital
- list of people to call/email after baby is born
- add baby to insurance (Malek's got this covered!)
- nursing equipment/clothing
- birth announcements
- get my hair cut!
- buy infant Tylenol/meds
lol- this really is "Typical Tina"